Plan a perfect mountain-biking ride
A well-planned mountain biking ride will be a successful one! Whether choosing the route, respectful riding tips, or must-have items to bring along, here are some ideas that will help you get organized.
Before riding
Be sure to choose a route that suits your abilities, and familiarize yourself with the signage and colour coding indicating the level of difficulty.

On the trails
- Wear a helmet and protective gear
- Make sure your bike is in good condition
- Ride within your comfort zone and respect your limits to avoid accidents and injuries
- Pay attention to road signs and obey posted speed limits
- Respect other cyclists by communicating politely and respecting the priority rules
- Minimize your impact on the environment by adopting nature-friendly practices and avoiding damage to trails. If it's raining, check if the trails are open before heading out and ride carefully to avoid erosion and accidents on slippery ground
- If you need to stop, remove yourself and your bike from the track and stay visible

In your backpack
Bring the necessary equipment to handle the unexpected and ensure your safety. Here are some essential items!
- A telephone (battery 100% charged) and emergency numbers
- A paper map of the trail network
- A whistle
- Insect repellent
- Sunglasses that also serve to protect your eyes from branches and debris
- A garbage bag
- A first aid kit
- A repair kit
- Clothing and accessories adapted to the season (e.g. waterproof jacket, toque, long-sleeved top).
- Water and snacks, in quantities suitable for the outing